Monthly Archives: March 2020

destroy… instagram:@visualocto

destroy... instagram:@visualocto submitted by /u/solwhi
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Abstract Glitch

Abstract Glitch submitted by /u/synthwaveredux
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An Open Letter to John Oliver and the Team that Supports Him

John Oliver (you rugged, thoughtful, full-package of a man, you): you and your staff will become legends if you aren't already. Your continued entertaining coverage of this pandemic is admirable. The sobering tone of being in a Matrix-asking-for-too-many-guns-esque studio alongside your sobering tone of voice (I lost my thesaurus in all the panic), is sobering. I wish I had another word for it, but I'm just a lowly English professor. Catch as catch can.

You may well be the face of reason in an era of absolute nonsense. We all know nonsense because you and your team show that in these updates, too, which lends the whole thing an air of levity and gravity at once.

As an educator (#humblebrag…am I behind the times?), I appreciate your continued dedication to speaking truth to power in a time of unparalleled hypocrisy, abuse of power, and false information (not to be confused with "false news" which has now taken what I hope is a negative connotation).

These are revolutionary times. I am proud to say that we have not taken to the streets en masse, committed mass murder among us all, and have overall tried to respond in a sensible, civilized way.

I believe that your level-headed analysis and commentary contributed to that response. There are so many people to thank for this outcome. Most of them are the ones on the ground, risking infection, risking senseless hate and violence, and risking their own lives to help others.

My friends and I commiserate with the toll this pandemic has taken on the poor, the ones living check-to-check, the ones who suffer most when anything like this happens. We are in a fortunate place. We haven't been debilitated by this thing yet, and our hearts go out to all those who have been hammered by this spreading virus.

We need a way to help each other. No one was prepared for this (except the ones who had immediate information and had a leadership who cared about them), and so now it falls to us all.

We must band together, like, yesterday, gurl (i.e. yesterday means a few months ago). The irony is that it's just plain ironic, and the people who can't perceive irony don't see it as ironic. Isn't that ironic. Cue Alanis Morissette's hit song "Ironic" (except her song did kinda give some decent examples of certain types of irony. It got a lot of unnecessary hate for that because people get confused about irony pretty easily).

That said,

John Oliver, your staff, your writers, producers, or whoever works on this show. You are doing good work. You did it in times of relative normalcy, and you continue to do it in times of madness.

This is my thank you letter. I hope you see it.

-Professor Bumble-Fuck the Tired

submitted by /u/OCLMusic
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rnwy submitted by /u/normallysizedpenis
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A screengrab from the end of a video i made today

A screengrab from the end of a video i made today submitted by /u/yodafrog1
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3.31 submitted by /u/bedinthehead
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#thegame23 #00AG9603 #Galdrux #OpPSION #OpMiMiC #kstxi : Libertas ab Chao |

from Twitter

Check out the effects in this music video. Clever video editing or a simple video of a circuit bent TV?

Check out the effects in this music video. Clever video editing or a simple video of a circuit bent TV? submitted by /u/VOIDPCB
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Marine biology analog glitch

Marine biology analog glitch submitted by /u/zoonose99
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UK status report: covid/Devo mashup.

Well many moons ago those fuckers in government let it be known that the UK (cup of tea etc) were DIFFERENT.

In spite if Italy and Spain falling like flies we were told to do 'herd immunity'. The result was all the dumb working class fucks did not care at all anyway and all the supposed educated Middle Clarrrrrss clever fucks lined up like fucking LEMMINGS ready to pop off for Kong and country. Keep Calm And Pass It On.

As DEVO predicted they Clusterfuck marched the country to oblivion. Well oblivion in a few weeks time anyway. A switch was flicked and they obeyed.

Myself (I) due to the wise words of our founders and the Great Book was supposedly paranoid into a little prepping and as Uncle Al would say Magical Retirement….. presently I am watching Hardcore Devo after a bottle of 2015 Rioja.

Anyway after the trip to Mars see you all at the Discordian 2025 Vegas meetup when this all blows over….

submitted by /u/ox-
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